Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Canon Wonder Camera

Fast forward 20 years when lugging around numerous lenses for your DSLR's will be no more. At this years Shanghai World Expo, Canon revealed what they envisage to be the future of professional photography, the 'Canon Wonder Camera'.

The Wonder Camera is still a very vague concept. It will apparently have a focal range from macro to 5000mm without ever changing lenses.

Also, what's so unusual about this camera is that the idea is not to take photos (bizarre aay?) but to shoot video and later select a still from the video as your picture. The image stabilisation and accurate focusing captured on video produces high quality stills; photos just as good, if not better than your own DSLR's pictures. No specs are out at the moment, so bear in mind much of what it does is hearsay and from the demonstration at the Expo (as shown in a rather mundane video below)

If this is what lies in store, as a photographer I'd be apprehensive about it's implications. Does it mean that the creative control of the camera is lost if it takes 'perfect' shots every time? Does it mean a lot of hassle picking and choosing one image from lots of video stills? Hmm...well I do have a Canon camera I love...and I believe the Canon people are smart. So I'll put my trust in them. Roll on 2030!

Photo and Youtube video  by Gizmag

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